You would be surprised to know that I don't have as many purses as you think I would. Neither does Lisa. Shocked?! We are both pretty picky about the bags we carry. For example, I searched for about 2 years before I found the perfect black clutch. I finally found it at Vanessa Bruno, in Paris while shopping with Lisa. She can attest to my instant and profound love of this clutch.
Personally, I have a couple of odd hang-ups when looking for a bag for myself. I dislike singular logos (for example, I LOVE Prada bags but can't get past the big Prada metal logo in the middle of the pristine leather) but don't mind an all over logo look, like Louis Vuitton or Goyard. I love quality; if I'm going to spend time and energy researching bags, it had better last more than one season. I'm a neutral girl, unless we're talking about clutches, and then all bets are off. And I like keeping hardware to a dull roar.
So, here's a fantasy list of bags I've been drawn to this year.
I have been particularly enamored with the Reed Krakoff Standard Hobo bag. I've spent some time pawing it in Saks. The leather is AH-MAZ-ING and the way is falls, it hugs your body at your side. I'd say this a great choice for high-end luxury bag. It also has a strap for a cross-body look; this would be my number one choice for cross-body bag!
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Not all Hazard guess handbags mortal personalization on the fastening pulls. Also, the brand "Speculation by Prizefighter" is the upscale edition so your mark on image two is inaccurate. Eventually, coating in the bags would never be leather - just material or satin. Thanks for protecting the brand!!!