On Monday night, I was amongst loads of college students in the Alumni Building Auditorium at Wellesley College. Scott Schuman, the Sartorialist, was speaking that evening with a book signing after. Who is Scott? To say he is a 'blogger' would be selling him short. Photographer of street fashion, keen eye, artist would be better titles. One of the first, if not THE first, photographers of street style. If you haven't checked out his blog, please do. Lisa and I are fans, maybe not of the street styles for us (some of the outfits of his subjects would raise eyebrows at a PTO meeting), but for inspiration and the beauty in his work.
Things I learned on Monday?
- To feel the pressure of having to post on your blog, and yet at the same time, not feel the pressure. Don't write or blog just because you haven't posted in a while; write about what you feel passionate about. Actively look for inspiration and write.
- Be vulnerable in your blogging. Ok, we're not going to let it all hang out here, but we'll try to continue to be personal.
- Don't let advertisers influence you. Not that we have any, but one day, Lisa and I will have a business meeting and discuss. I'll be sure to keep this in mind. (Lisa and I have NEVER had a business meeting about this blog; it's kind of a joke that we haven't.)
- Use your voice. Be the person you are in person, in your blog.
And, of course, I couldn't help but have a book signed and have a picture taken. A little star-struck I must admit.
Image from Jennifer Houston. |
Hopefully this brush with greatness rubs off on us here at W2WW. ~ JH