My usually boring, getting-ready-for-the-week Sunday night was anything but last night as I got all decked out in J.Crew for a fall fashion show at the Natick Collection store. When it comes to the fashion part, I can hold my own. But walking the runway was going to be something all together different.
I dressed in one of the outfits that J.Crew stylist Sylvia Gesell put together for me and was accessorized by Jen, who I was missing terribly at this point! The pre-show banter in the dressing room amongst the "talent" was a welcome distraction. There were about 20 of us in total, decked out from head to toe in J.Crew. There was a lot of complimenting going on and shopping the outfit that your neighbor was wearing. I swear one woman was going to buy those cheetah pumps right out from under me.
Here's a super fall pairing of navy and royal with some J.Crew signature arm candy. And those MacAlister wedge boots looked sharp with the pegged jeans.

So here I am in the burgundy trousers with cashmere camel v-neck sweater and amazing cheetah ponyhair pumps. We accessorized the outfit with a bright pink clutch, big sparkly necklace, and those fabulous cheetah and gold bracelets. It all happened so quickly I just went with it and had fun. I saw a few camel sweaters and burgundy Minnie pants at the check out after the show and am happy to have inspired the audience.
Here are two of my other favorite looks from the night. The layered vest over a colorblock camel & black blazer was hot. Underneath was a sparkly top and those fabulous multi-strand pearls that could dress up a burlap bag and make it rock. If you haven't discovered the multi-strand pearls yet, click on the link right now and see what you're missing.
The men who were modeling were outstanding, especially rugged guy and cool dude behind him.
Best of all was walking out and in between the flashes, seeing friends and readers cheering me on.
Thanks for your support ladies! ~ LB
Images from Lisa Bida.